The reversal of qi and what it means to the world.

The Dow Jones industrial average has advanced more than 10% since June of this year. The European Central Bank’s chief Mario Draghi promised to do whatever it takes to preserve the euro. The political leaders of France and Germany vowed to strengthen the euro zone by working closely together. So things are looking up economically, right? Yet according to my calculations based on I Ching and the Chinese almanac, the cosmic energy or qi is about to take civic a 180 degrees turn. The inflection point of this turnabout is to occur on August 7, 2012. Before that time, the cosmic qi is richly composed of the elements of fire and earth, resulting in an excess of Yang. The balance of the calendar year 2012, however, will be infused by the elements of metal and earth, which is Yin in nature. Even though the reversal of qi will be relatively abrupt, the process does require a transitional period, marked by certain telltale signs. Here are a few examples of such sentinel events:

On July 20 the movie theater massacre in Colorado is just such an event. Since darkness belongs to the domain of Yin, the killing took place around midnight in the opening night of the movie “Dark Knight Rising”. A couple of days ago, a sweeping blackout in India wreaked havoc on more than 600 million people – – another clear indicator of Yang being overwhelmed by Yin. Since electricity is Yang in nature, the power failure is a hallmark of Yin dominance. So although the full impact of the tide of Yin has not yet materialized, its ever enlarging presence is being felt.

What does this reversal of qi mean?

In the political arena, president Obama will gain an upper hand and Mitt Romney’s campaign will begin to sputter. This is because Romney was helped by the fire element during the first half of the year while Obama enjoys the metal and water elements in the second half, coasting to his reelection. In terms of weather, the drought and heat wave (Yang in nature) of the past months will be replaced by coldness and wetness in the coming months, characterized by excessive rain and snow. Agriculturally, the high prices of grain and corn will most likely drop due to this change of weather pattern. For the rest of the year, diseases of cold and wet nature will rear their ugly heads. The incidence of whooping coughs will likely escalate in the near future. Arthritis as well as many chronically painful conditions such as fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis would have a tendency to exacerbate. In the financial world, the recent stock market rally will suddenly fizzle, especially during the month of August.

Most notably, from my I Ching analysis, I have noticed a rather strange phenomenon. That is, the personal fortunes of a number of the CEOs of major high-tech companies in the Silicon Valley all of a sudden will experience a downturn beginning in August, almost in a concerted manner. The list includes Intel, Apple, Google, Oracle, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard, with the notable exception of Facebook. Microsoft, which is based in Redmond, Washington is also on the list. Does this mean an impending disaster in a scale similar to the recent flooding in Thailand or tsunami in Japan is about to strike? Could this also be part of a larger picture resulting from a global event such as the debt crisis in Spain? Anyway, any such disaster will negatively impact the global market as a whole and will lead to a selloff of stocks. The transient decline of the fortunes of the CEOs of major corporations such as Alcoa, General Electric, Ford, Boeing, Bank of America, Citi, etc. during this very same period shown on my calculations also attests to the significance and magnitude of the precipitating event.

What should we do?

  • Those of us who live in California should make adequate preparation for a major earthquake, something we ought to have done already.
  • I for one will hold off from buying stocks for now until the coast is clear. There are better opportunities down the road in just a few months. As a matter of fact, I just liquidated about 80% of my portfolio several days ago.
  • Base your projections and future plan on an Obama win.
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